Sunday, July 11, 2010

weekend with my fav ladies

SSD this weekend, although i didnt get to see my usual friday crew, i did get to spend time with my ladies. it felt like forever since i got to see Myr Myr, Pewkie and ELICA DABIES (although i always see ED but its still not enough lol) and this weekend ended up being way more than i could have imagine. i finally got to go out with myr myr which came as a surprise bc this is prob the first time i get to see her in this setting and i have no idea why she doesnt party more bc she, of course, is amazing. erica as always is charming and lovable and pewkie came down from pewkiestan and even made an appearance. this weekend has been girl filled and incredibly amazing and im sad that erica and i are going our seprate ways for a while while we vacation but i think once we get back we'll go even crazier!

best group picture...actually only one where we got it right

cant be separated from my phone... ever

trying hard to compose ourselves...

lol FAIL <3

separated at birth

im pretty sure this was me laying on the couch (very sober) wondering why there was a beer pong table set up and no one was playing


oh and hopefully pewkie will finally get to party with us!

1 comment:

  1. your outfit is all kinds of awesome you rock it like a pro


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